Features of the international leasing mechanism application in Russia

  • Yachmeneva A.S.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Vasilenko M.E.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


An important feature of the development of the world economy in recent decades is globalization. Simultaneously with the deepening of the international division of labor, the tightness of ties between economic agents in different sectors and spheres of activity is growing. The world economic space is undergoing gradual and at the same time large-scale changes: the economic boundaries between countries are blurred, the number of transnational corporations is increasing, the level of efficiency, labor productivity, and, with them, competition is increasing. On the economy of each country described processes have different effects: some do not cope with competition, others discover new markets for themselves. Of course, international relations also imply the movement of financial flows, which in recent years has increasingly taken the form of leasing relations. This mechanism has become an important source of funding for fixed assets, not only for many enterprises, but also for a number of countries.

In this article, practical aspects of the functioning of the mechanism of international leasing in the Russian market were considered. In particular, the dynamics of export of net capital outside of our country was studied and analyzed, macroeconomic and microeconomic reasons for increasing the outflow of capital were indicated. In addition, the article provided a description of the current practice of participation of domestic business entities in international leasing relations, as well as countries that are particularly active in the Russian market for financial leasing services. Special attention was paid to the procedure for importing leased property into the territory of the Russian Federation. Based on the provisions of the Customs Code of the Eurasian Economic Union, customs procedures were defined for which it could be placed, the issue of assessing the customs value of imported leasing items was studied, and the specifics of taxation of leasing transactions were revealed. In addition, this paper reflects the main advantages of international leasing, as well as barriers that impede its development in our country. As a result of the research, it was concluded that today there is a need for more in-depth study and analysis of the mechanism of international financial leasing, including prospects for its development in Russia, taking into account the specifics of this industry and the factors that influence its development.

Keywords: leasing, leasing market in Russia, financial lease, international leasing, leasing industry, international leasing relations, capital lease.